Code of Ethics

Professional Integrity
Accuracy and Clarity: Interpreters must strive for the highest level of accuracy and clarity in their work, ensuring that the original message is conveyed faithfully without distortion.
Confidentiality: Interpreters must maintain confidentiality regarding all information encountered during their assignments. This obligation extends beyond the duration of the assignment.
Continuous Development: Interpreters must commit to ongoing professional development, staying updated with industry standards, language skills, and relevant subject matter.
Appropriate Qualifications: Interpreters must only accept assignments for which they possess the necessary skills and qualifications, avoiding any situations that could compromise the quality of interpretation.
Neutrality: Interpreters must remain neutral and objective, avoiding any personal bias that could influence the interpretation process.
Conflict of Interest: Interpreters must disclose any potential conflicts of interest and refrain from participating in assignments where impartiality may be compromised.
Respect and Professionalism
Cultural Sensitivity: Interpreters must demonstrate respect for all cultures, languages, and participants, fostering an inclusive environment.
Professional Conduct: Interpreters must conduct themselves in a manner that reflects positively on the profession, including punctuality, appropriate dress, and respectful communication.
Collaboration and Communication
Teamwork: When working in teams, interpreters must communicate effectively with colleagues to ensure seamless interpretation and mutual support.
Client Relations: Interpreters must maintain professional relationships with clients, clearly communicating their availability, fees, and any specific requirements related to the assignment.
Responsibility for Errors: Interpreters must acknowledge and correct any errors in their work promptly, taking responsibility for their impact on communication.
Adherence to Standards: Interpreters must comply with all relevant laws, regulations, and professional standards in the execution of their duties.

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