Professional Development

Professional Development Opportunities

Our association offers a variety of resources to support your professional growth and development. We organize regular training courses, seminars, and webinars. Our mentorship program allows novice interpreters to learn from experienced professionals. We also provide information about international conferences and events.

Useful Links and Tools (Technology)

Here you will find links to leading interpretation software, terminology databases, and online dictionaries. We also offer a list of voice recording and speech recognition tools that can enhance your work efficiency.

Professional Literature

We recommend the following literature:
1. Gasparyan S., “Translation Theory and Practice”, Yerevan, 2018
2. Marutyan A., “Intercultural Communication”, Yerevan, 2019
3. Poghosyan P., “Simultaneous Interpretation Skills”, Yerevan, 2020
4. Jones, R., “Conference Interpreting Explained”, Routledge, 2014
5. Pöchhacker, F., “Introducing Interpreting Studies”, Routledge, 2016
These books will help you deepen your knowledge in translation theory and practice, intercultural communication, as well as professional ethics.

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